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New Library in Puok District,

Siem Reap, Cambodia

2010 - 2022

English Outreach Program

in Pursat, Cambodia 

JGG met Mr. Pean Pol, the Principal of the Kok Khnang Primary School, located in rural Siem Reap discussing the completion of a library on the school grounds. The construction of the library had stalled during COVID as funding became unavailable. JGG added covered outdoor seating to the product which would serve multiple uses both for the students and the communities. Construction was initiated in 2024.


JGG Learning Center in Romlech, Pursat, Cambodia

Located at Romlech high school in Pursat province, this 1,216 sq. ft. (113 sq. mt.) Learning Center provides ample space for JGG to conduct leadership, English and computer training for Student Teachers.  It is capable of holding international Skype meetings.  A JGG office is attached.

2014 & 2016

First & Second Dormitories in Phnom Penh

The first and second Phnom Penh dormitories are attached 4 story buildings located near the central city area. The dormitories are each 1,350 sq. ft. (125 sq. mt.) and have similar floor plans. JGG provides free housing  to former JGG Student Teachers now attending nearby universities.  The buildings also contain guest rooms for JGG staff and related visitors. 


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JGG established an English language training program in Bak Chinhchien , Pursat, Cambodia.  This program grew into the current English Outreach programs in Bak Chinhchien and Romlech High Schools where high school Student Teachers teach English to hundreds of 6th, 7th and 8th grade students.   The program serves more than 30 area villages.


Three Room School 

in Pursat, Cambodia

This school is located in Pursat, Cambodia.  JGG’s donation paid for the school and all the furnishings, lighting, etc.  It is located on the site of a diversified education complex developed and operated by Sustainable Cambodia charity (Gainesville, Florida, USA).  Sustainable Cambodia focuses on education and village development including healthcare, clean water, etc. (


John Givonetti Respite Center 

in Siem Reap, Cambodia


Boy's Dormitory 

in Kampong Speu, Cambodia

This dormitory including a wash area and toilets is large enough to house about 25 children.  It was constructed on the grounds of Sunshine House, an orphanage located in Kampong Speu about 50 Kilometers outside of Phnom Penh.  Awareness Cambodia charity (Perth, Western Australia) operates Sunshine House and two other sites that care for disadvantaged children (

This 5,300 sq. ft. (500 sq. mt.) facility is located in central Siem Reap city.  It functions as a dormitory, providing free housing for former JGG Student Teachers now attending nearby universities.  It also contains guest rooms for JGG staff and related visitors.


John Givonetti Learning Center in Bak Chinhchien, Pursat, Cambodia

Located at Bak Chinhchien high school in Pursat province, this 2,700 sq. ft. (250 sq. mt.) Learning Center includes a library, a separate computer training room, and a large meeting area where JGG conducts leadership and English training for Student Teachers. It is capable of holding international Skype meetings.  JGG's Cambodian headquarters office is attached.


Three Room School

in Siem Reap, Cambodia

Located in Kok Trach village, Reul commune about 30 km from Siem Reap.  It is utilized by 240 children, grades 1 to 3, on half day sessions.  Before the school was completed most young children in the village were unable to regularly attend classes because of the distance to the nearest primary school.  This school project was managed by Working for Children charity.  This Cambodian charity runs a facility for children at risk in Reul commune, Siem Reap. (


Dental Care / Education

Program in Pursat, Cambodia


Four Catfish Farms

in Kampong Chhnang, Cambodia

Four defunct catfish farms were brought back to life through a micro-financing donation by JGG.  The farms were located in Kampong Tralach, Cambodia.  This project was developed and managed by Who Will charity (Phnom Penh, Cambodia) that primarily works with projects supporting orphans and disadvantaged children in Cambodia (


Three Room School

and Toilet Block in Vietnam

This school is located in Tra Vinh province, Vietnam, about 200 kilometers south of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (Saigon).  Funding for the project was an approximate 50 - 50 joint venture between JGG and the provincial Government.  This project was conducted by Saigon Children’s Charity (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam) who constructs many schools and similar infra-structure projects in Vietnam (


Six Room School

in Laos

The 200+ students and associates of the English Outreach Program in Bak Chinhchien were provided with free dental care in February and April.  For many students this was their first visit with a dental professional.  Dental care/education was provided by dentists from the dental college in Phnom Penh, headed by Dr. Suorn Monika.


School Kitchen and 

Eating area in Siem Reap, Cambodia

This school is located in Baan Kok, Laos on an island in the Mekong River near Pakse. Construction of the school began in the early 1990’s, but after only the rough walls were constructed (no roof, or floors, etc.) funds ran out.  Almost 15 years later JGG’s donation allowed the school to be completed.  This project was conducted by Child’s Dream charity (Chiang Mai, Thailand) who constructs schools and other infrastructure projects throughout Southeast Asia (


Broom Factory 

in Ecuador

JGG’s donation funded the facilitation of a broom factory located in eastern Ecuador. The Kichua, an indigenous tribe, realized the opportunity to create a broom factory in an existing building.  This project was channeled through Wings of Hope (St. Louis, Missouri, USA) who is very active in Ecuador and around the world (

 This school “cafeteria” project is located in Pong Ro Chas village, Siem Reap.  Many children come to school without having eaten.  In addition, to the issue of malnutrition, such children are unable to focus on learning when hungry.   Food is provided though the United Nations.  This project was implemented by Child’s Dream charity (Chiang Mai, Thailand) who constructs schools and other infrastructure projects throughout Southeast Asia (


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